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Chia, Flax seeds or Soy?...Which is the winner?

Soy and flax seeds are good source of protein, fiber and vitamin B.

Flax Seeds contain Omega 3, minerals and vitamins. Also they have high levels of lignans, which helps decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Soy and Flax Seeds have phytoestrogens, which decrease the cholesterol and increase the strength and elasticity of blood vessels inhibiting the onset of cancer and osteoporosis.

It seems that soy and Flax Seeds so far are great for the health, but on the other hand they both have some side effects.

"Some isoflavones from Soy may actually increase estrogen activity rather than inhibit it. These opposing effects of different soy phytoestrogens may be responsible for reports of both negative and beneficial actions of soy on women's health. Using Soy is somewhat controversial, and it maybe safer to avoid soy and soy based products" For Ever Young by Nicholas Perricone

If consuming large amounts of Flax Seeds, it can create a bad effects on person's health:

Flax Seeds may cause obstruction of the esophagus, intestines or bowel, gastrointestinal damage in general.

Flax Seeds may have estrogen-like effects and women may be in risk of cancer, uterine fibroids. Pregnant women should avoid Flax Seeds due to the hormonal effects that might be harmful to the baby

Due to the content of cygnogeric Glycosides in Flax Seeds, there is a potential for oxidation and toxins.

Chia Seeds contain the same or higher levels of lignans as Flaxed Seeds but has no know toxins, and it is great source of phytoestrogens which as it was said, it can deplete the onset of cancer and osteoporosis.

Chia Seeds also contain many nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein and omega 3-6-9. Actually Chia Seeds provide the highest amount of vegetarian Omega 3. Chia seeds are non-allergenic, gluten free.

Chia Seeds, unlike Soy and Flax Seeds have been granted GRAS status by FDA.

Due to the content of docosahexaenoic, Chia Seeds have the ability to lower blood fats, known as a triglycerides.

Chia Seeds improve age-related cognitive decline, memory and learning and Alheimer's risk diseases.

We conclude that Chia is the unbeatable WINNER!

Ad Chia seeds in your diet, sprinkle on salads, yogurt, juices where ever you can to take advantage of their tremendous health benefits.

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